What We Do to Raise Funds and Provide a Day of Scenic Bike Rides On a Variety of Well Planned Courses?
Since 2005 Galena Lions have been conducting bike rides throughout the scenic country roads of Kent County, MD. Rides along well marked routes through gentle rolling hillsides include Endurance (100 mi.), Century (100 km, 62.5 mi.), Flat Forty (40 mi.) with no hills, Casual (30 mi.) and Family (15 mi.) The trips (depending upon route) visit quaint rural communities, Chestertown, a beach on the Sassafras River, another on the Chesapeake Bay and views of the Chester River. Rest stops and the routes include vistas of lakes, farms and other rural amenities. The rides are always scheduled for the second Saturday in August and so far the weatherhas been more than cooperative.
Yes, this is a fund raising event for the charity division of the Club. This division is chartered in the State of Maryland as an official charity. It is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. 1
2009 Ride to See Was A Premier Bike Ride
On August 9, 2009 nearly 150 cyclists arrived in Galena to participate in the fifth annual Ride To See. The weather was perfect and riders from Maryland and nearby states gathered up their equipment and registered for a classic ride on a near perfect late summer day. As the day progressed the Lions Club members nourished and encouraged the riders along the routes. The rides finished back at the registration desk. Comments from the riders were of satisfaction as they relaxed their muscles and wheels. Many indicated they will return in 2010 for the 6th ride on August 14th.
2010 Ride
In 2010 on a beautiful August day, more than 200 riders joined us for a memorable event. As a result of support from both sponsors and riders, we made a profit of more than $6000.
2011 Ride
August 13, 2011 brought, once again over 200 cyclists to Kent County to enjoy a pleasant trip on a glorious summer day. Their participation and contributions provided a significant amount of funds for use in programs supported by Galena Lions Charities.